2008年3月14日 星期五

先進網際服務系統-Homework3 3-8-2008

Q1. Track your comments at a focal point
A1: was done.

Q2. Using personal portal.
A2: was done.

Q3. Make your blog organized by adding labels.
A3: was done.

Q4. Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.
What are the commercial values of Internet?

  1. transforming customer Relationship.
  2. Displacing or alter traditional sources of business value.

List some business strategies for online commerce.

  1. Channel Master strategy: the company using the internet to re-build deeper relationships with customers in order to sell one’s traditional goods and services. for example : Cisco system, hp and sun.. etc. -- provider of internet software, hardwre, and services.
  2. Customer magnet strategy : using the internet to integrate the value chains of multiple suppliers into one customer-facing whole. for example : Yahoo , Google.. etc.--Started as a directory of Web sites,
  3. Value Chain pirate strategy : use the commerce value chain to support new relationships directly between suppliers and buyers. for exapmle : Autoweb displaces part of the value chain of car dealerships by selling cars directly to consumers.
  4. Digital Distributor strategy : can be efficiently delivered through the internet. for example: Monster.com -- began by offering online employment advertising for high-technology job.

1 則留言:

Yao Jen 提到...

Can you provide an evidence base for the strategies you listed? Some existing websites for example.