2008年3月25日 星期二


1. Read Paper 1 & Paper 2. Provide a summary for each of the paper.

2. Read Chap. 4 of the textbook. What is the Business-to-business model?
A2 : Business-to-business (or B2B for short) model is a marketing strategy which involves the transaction of goods or services between businesses, and the exchange of goods, services and information between companies. Business-to-business electronic commerce is companies buying from and selling to each other electronically, but it has evolved to include supply chain management.

3. Digital goods can be distributed over the Internet but physical goods have to be delivered logistically. What are digital goods? What are the differences between the two?
A3: "Digital goods " are a combination of signals, electronically represented as 0 and 1. As such they build a system of information which can express different contents, for example music, texts, pictures, numbers or algorithms. The existence of such immaterial content is not new, but rather the form in which it can be expressed now. So, a digital good is a result of the development of the information and communication technology. The new quality of this technology is that not only can the information be transformed into data, but it can also be sent through the world wide internet and it is a characteristic of these goods that they increase and don't decrease when they are passed on. What I want to say is that they double when reproduced which is normal in copying processed but in the case of digital goods they double without a loss in quality and they double to almost zero costs. One can say that through the new technologies the productivity in reproducing information could be raised dramatically supply is potentially infinite .

differences between physical goods and Digital goods :
  1. Digital goods can be distributed over the Internet but physical goods have to be delivered logistically.
  2. digital goods are intangible but physical goods are tangible .
  3. digital goods reproduced only to do copy file and almost zero costs and without a loss in quality but physical goods thereagainst.

4. Using RSS to track many blogs at one time.
What is the RSS feed that Google Reader takes in? List the URL of these RSS feeds.

A4: RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It is a way to easily distribute a list of headlines, update notices, and sometimes content to a wide number of people. It is used by computer programs that organize those headlines and notices for easy reading.

RSS works by having the website author maintain a list of notifications on their website in a standard way. This list of notifications is called an "RSS Feed".

List the URL of these RSS feeds:
iapblog.blogspot.com :
New York Times :

2008年3月14日 星期五

先進網際服務系統-Homework3 3-8-2008

Q1. Track your comments at a focal point
A1: was done.

Q2. Using personal portal.
A2: was done.

Q3. Make your blog organized by adding labels.
A3: was done.

Q4. Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.
What are the commercial values of Internet?

  1. transforming customer Relationship.
  2. Displacing or alter traditional sources of business value.

List some business strategies for online commerce.

  1. Channel Master strategy: the company using the internet to re-build deeper relationships with customers in order to sell one’s traditional goods and services. for example : Cisco system, hp and sun.. etc. -- provider of internet software, hardwre, and services.
  2. Customer magnet strategy : using the internet to integrate the value chains of multiple suppliers into one customer-facing whole. for example : Yahoo , Google.. etc.--Started as a directory of Web sites,
  3. Value Chain pirate strategy : use the commerce value chain to support new relationships directly between suppliers and buyers. for exapmle : Autoweb displaces part of the value chain of car dealerships by selling cars directly to consumers.
  4. Digital Distributor strategy : can be efficiently delivered through the internet. for example: Monster.com -- began by offering online employment advertising for high-technology job.

2008年3月5日 星期三


Q1. According to the book by Treese and Stewart, what is the commerce value chain? Why not see them on an individual basis?

A1: The development of a system for internet commerce in terms of the value chain needed by the business.

  1. The value chain will be related to that of the underlying business.
  2. The value chain required by doing business online.
  3. The value chain from a third perspective-- in terms of all the customer-facing activities of a business.

According to the book It's a very general value chain for Internet commerce, as shown in Figure1-1. This value chain is focused on the interactions of a business with its customers. The components of this general value chain are as follows :

  1. Attract customers. ==> Marketing--get and keep customer interest.
  2. Interact with customers. ==> Sales --turn interest into orders(generally content).
  3. Act on customer instructions. ==> Order management -- order capture, payment, fulfillment.
  4. React to customer requests.==> Customer service, technical support.

Figure 1 . The Commerce Value Chain

The value chain is as a cycle of continuing interactions with customers . Therefore, It is unable to bring a effective value on an individual basis .

Q2. Is the Internet different from other media? Why?
Yes, Internet is different from any other conventional media.The internet provide a interactive platform for everyone. It doesn’t have a hard boundary for end user and provider, And Does not have the temporal and the spatial limitation. it’s emphasizes personal service.

Q3 :Convert one of your Word document using Google docs.
A3: This is My word file at Google Docs.